Project Documentation

The following documents in support of the 492nd Special Operations Wing Beddown Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) are available for download and review.

Documents will be added as the project progresses, so please check back often!

    • Draft EIS and Supporting Documents (6)
    • Public Hearing Materials (5)
    • Public Scoping Meeting Materials (5)
Draft EIS and Supporting Documents
Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the 492 SOW Beddown, Davis-Monthan AFB, Arizona
Click this link to download the Draft EIS for the 492 SOW Beddown at Davis-Monthan AFB
Executive Summary for the Draft EIS for the 492 SOW Beddown at Davis-Monthan AFB
This document is the Executive Summary for the Draft EIS for the 492 SOW Beddown
Air Quality Supporting Document for the 492 SOW Beddown Draft EIS
This document is the air quality supporting documentation for the 492 SOW Beddown EIS
Cultural Resources Supporting Document for the 492 SOW Beddown Draft EIS
This document is the cultural resources supporting documentation for the 492 SOW Beddown EIS
Noise Supporting Document for the 492 SOW Beddown Draft EIS
This document is the noise supporting documentation for the 492 SOW Beddown EIS
Biological Resources Supporting Document for the 492 SOW Beddown Draft EIS
This document is the biological resources supporting documentation for the 492 SOW Beddown EIS